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Stuck In The Middle (Get On With Life!) 被‘卡’住(小人物向前冲!)

What ‘Feng Shui’ lesson can we learn from this story of my good friend who works in the Education sector?

(1) No matter which stage you are in life, if you want more (money/ time/love/fame/energy), you would have to change what you are doing at present. If she continued teaching us SAP accounting system, she would continue to do that until the day she retired. And her pay will only be equivalent to the pay of teaching SAP accounting software. Therefore, she was right because she enrolled to complete her studies. The day she went to pay for the school fees, she sent a message to the Cosmos that she was ready for change.

(2) She follows the ‘Feng Shui Suggestions’ published in the Chinese newspapers. And she saw the results: She got the raise and the promotion! Obviously Feng Shui (no matter how small the practice) works for her. We all know it is very hard to get promoted when there is no paper qualifications, and no relevant experience. Feng Shui works! If I were her, I would have pursued Feng Shui as a real hobby.

(3) Instead of getting on with it, for some reason, she ‘chose’ to stagnate. Good Feng Shui is about believing in your future, and believing that you can do it!  She should have counted her blessings, and chose to embrace the new challenges that came with the job promotion! Work life is very, very hard – accept it! Take on the challenges head-on! Why look back and lament why, what if, why not?

(4) Of course it did not help that she had that useless foul-mouth fella for a husband. If he could not hold a job, at least be a supportive person who encourages her. So be careful who you hang around with. Even your spouse can ruin you and your networking opportunities. What if it was not me that they pissed off? What if I was her Mentor who could bring her the biggest opportunities in her life? Please – consider your family, consider your spouse, consider your friends when you want to behave in the way you want to behave! Good Feng Shui is about positivity! Watch what you say, watch what you say to others, watch what people say around you, and finally, watch what people say to you.

(5) Be clever! Your brain is your most powerful ‘weapon’ in your practice of Feng Shui. She knew that her husband did not embrace Feng Shui, so she should have practiced it without his presence, and if that is not possible, she should have cooked up another excuse to get things done. For example: “I saw this lamp that I really love, I think I will be really happy seeing my lamp after a hard day’s work. Do you think we can get the electrician in to install the lamp?” (See? She can get that bright lamp without even mentioning Feng Shui!)

(6) If you have a problem (no matter what problem), and you are stuck in your problem for 10 years…. the biggest problem is not the problem itself, but you!!! You need to see outside the problem, and extract yourself out of it!!! It is your problem, so you get out of it by yourself. No one is coming to save you from your own problem! It has been 10 years → ‘confirm’ ,’double confirm’, nobody is coming to save you! Getting stuck is the biggest Feng Shui problem of all times. It is equivalent to stagnant chi, clutter and, shutting out any sort of opportunities!



(一) 她跟着华文报账的‘风水提示’已经很多年,在她报名上课的那一天,她告诉宇宙她准备好了,愿意踏出一步。如果她没有提升的念头,那么到她退休那一天,她只会继续教我们SAP会计系统,也只能领教SAP会计的薪水吧了!



(四)你要注意你选择的朋友。我指的是风水朋友。那些只会占别人便宜的人,只会骂政府,只会批评任何事,不过他们本生是没上进的普通人:我的建议是”算了吧!离他们远一点!”我们人活着已经很幸苦 – 真的 – 你不需要这种充满消极型的风水损友。所谓正正好的风水朋友最多是静静的听你发牢骚,看到你那么消沉,他们的工作是鼓励你,把你拉上来。那些乘机(有意或无意)把你再往下推的。。。就是风水损友。就说我朋友的老公:当然离婚太夸张了,不过我顶多夫妻出门,我尽量不要把他介绍给我的朋友。当然一两次,三五次OK,没问题。当然。。如果十多年没有把先生介绍给朋友也说不通。你要切记:今天被你乌鸦嘴先生得罪的是我,可能明天他得罪的是你的贵人,一个可以给你梦中都没想到好机会的贵人呀!