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Cinderella 灰姑娘

Even in this day and age, the damsel in distress (defined humorously in the online Cambridge dictionary as ‘a young woman who is in trouble and needs a man’s help’) is still very much ‘alive’, but in my opinion, modern day Cinderellas are in disguise and worse, they are in denial. The problem started when as children, we read the story of Cinderella (the last remake of Cinderella was in Year 2015!), but then we forget that Prince Charming lives in the fairytale. Me? I am definitely Cinderella, and I want to be saved by Prince Charming. But did you know that modern day Prince Charming has to be created by Cinderella herself? All modern day Cinderella wannabes must learn to use Feng Shui to cultivate their Prince Charming!!! 👑
即使在这个时代, 遇险的女子灰姑娘还‘活着’, 等待男人的’帮忙‘。 问题是‘现代’的遇险女子不容易被认出来,更糟的是,我们自我声明是现代女性,完全否认我们在等待接受男人的‘帮忙’。😂 我觉得最大问题出在我们小学生时代还是很喜欢读‘灰姑娘’故事 (我说得对吧! 记得二零一五年, 迪斯尼还翻拍灰姑娘的卡通故事!!!),不过我们忘了‘灰姑娘’故事里的白马王子是住在童话故事里的! 我是百分百、 无可否认、 完完全全的现代灰姑娘! 事实上, 我等了白马王子十多年, 才发现摩登白马王子原来需要我们摩登灰姑娘使用我们的风水技术栽培的!!!  👑

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So after you read the story of Cinderella, what happens? Well, in my case, the concept of Prince Charming is reinforced in my mind! My full-time housewife Mum depended on my Dad for everything (or so it seemed like that at that time). My Dad went out to work, he provided for us and because he was an Engineer by trade, he was capable of and he would fix all the leaks and holes in the home.  For me, it was never a problem being a damsel in distress, because my Mother bore with all sorts of nonsense that Prince Charming threw on her. It was ‘normal’ for me to be subservient to a man, as long as he provided for me.

However, there are many permutations to the Prince Charming-Cinderella concept. The most obvious one being a housewife is terribly unhappy being a stay-at-home. As a result, when she educated her daughter, she ingrained in her (the daughter) the theory of a woman being independent. So imagine the confusion for the daughter growing up, as she sees Dad providing for the family, but Mum resisting her role. Coupled with last century’s rise of woman power, this concept of Prince Charming-Cinderella is indeed very confusing for our young ladies nowadays! 😅 Furthermore, because all Mums love their daughters, and they don’t want their daughters to suffer, they instill ideas that (1) a woman must be independent, yet (2) don’t date a man who cannot give you a better life than what you can give yourself. Ya, it’s true! Very confusing, don’t you think? 🤔❓❓❓⁉

And then there is a practical side of wanting Prince Charming. For instance, if your boyfriend has a car, he could come pick you up from home and send you to and from work everyday. You can sleep in, instead of waking up early to squeeze in public transport. Plus you will be the envy of your colleagues because you arrive in style! If he had been working for some time, he would already have a credit card, and he would have some savings, and a girl would not have to eat in a food court or hawker centre everyday, just to save money. Or if he already had sufficient savings, the lovebirds could get married earlier and own their own home faster! I’m exaggerating, of course, but you see, all these can also be considered ‘damsels-in-distress’ situations. This is why I say that modern-day damsels are in disguise and worse, they are in denial. Think about it, it’s the same right?I am surprise 我很惊讶

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I once met a Chinese mum who had lived in Singapore for more than 30 years. She worked as a masseur, whilst her husband remained in China and he worked as a tradesman. Their daughter was educated here in Singapore, and when she qualifed (of course she would make it, with her smart mother rooting for her! 💫) for our local University, her masseur mum told her to only hang out with the affluent group of friends. Did you think that the masseur mum thought her daughter, a soon-to-be graduate of our local university, would be incapable of providing for herself and her family? Of course not! But this masseur mum told me her rationale, and I sometimes wonder why my mum never told me this! You see, if I had married into a rich family, I would still have to ‘struggle’ in life. For instance, I would have to adapt to the rich way of living, and even though I would be working in my husband’s family business, alas, I would still have to deal with suppliers, deadlines and staff. Life’s struggles would still be very real. It’s not that rich people do not have to ‘struggle’. But the only difference is that I would already be on a platform 500 metres higher than everyone else (who did not marry into a rich family), and my struggle to the very top (the peak!) would be 500 metres less than if I had started my journey from the very bottom. It makes sense, right!!! Wow! A clever masseur mother indeed! She must have thought about her theory for some time. 🙂👍

But because we are humans, and we have our own minds, and we have feelings, and life is unpredictable, we cannot really control who we fall in love with, or whether it will all work out. Or can we? And marrying into a rich family is not solely dependent on my wishing. The rich man also has to want to marry me. Finally, because life in a rich family is also very real, a woman would also face the same headaches and insecurities that all married couples face. Fighting over how the kids are brought up, late nights that husbands keep because of social entertaining, keeping up appearances for the sake of the family etc etc. She would also have to work very hard to keep up with her new rich family. I think the character of a woman plays a huge part in wanting to really marry and succeed in her marriage to Mr Rich. If she wants Prince Charming in her life, she would have to work very hard to keep Prince Charming in her life, and I’m not sure if this is what our modern young girls want to do. But I am certainly a damsel in distress. LOL!

小时候读‘灰姑娘’的故事,我从没有想过‘灰姑娘’的故事只是作者Charles Perrault的幻想故事。为什么?应为在我家,妈妈是‘全职’的家庭主妇!爸爸出去做工赚钱,如果家里需要什么,妈妈会跟爸爸说一声,爸爸如果不是亲自处理就是请人来处理。妈妈很少跟外界接触的。况且,我爸爸是工程师,所以家里电灯,风扇,甚至马桶都是我爸爸自己修理的!在我心里,这就是男人,爸爸就是白马王子。妈妈知道我们全家靠爸爸,所以妈妈处处让他。我长大的时候,看到的是只要男人养家,我们都听他的。 无论父亲怎么无理取闹, 怎么蛮不讲理, 我们都让给他! 😣

不过,除了我们家,还有很多家庭也是唯有一个男人养家的。 但,不是每个女人的想法和我妈妈一样。比如说一个女人生了孩子,为了照顾孩子,她辞职了心爱的工作。她虽然爱孩子,不过她不懂为什么是她放弃心爱的工作。而且不是每个男人都会‘心甘情愿’养家,从这种男人拿‘家用钱’比登天还要难。是真的!我有一个好友的先生就是斤斤计较的养家者: “昨天已经给你五十块,为什么今天还要多拿十块钱‘家用钱’?” 先生就叫她列出昨天的每一笔开支。身为她老婆真的很不容易!如果一个妈妈‘不甘愿’(不感到赞赏)留在家里,那么她教育孩子的时候多多少少一定会坚持她女儿一定要学独立,长大了不可以放弃自己的理想和梦想。想想女儿看到的是: 爸爸养家,妈妈靠爸爸,不过妈妈抗拒爸爸 😥,孩子看了是不是很困惑? 上个世纪女人崛起的权力,男女平等的概念,实在是打翻了‘男子外,女子内’的概念。 偏偏我们还是是带我们的孩子到电影院看‘灰姑娘’、 ‘睡美人’等! 够乱! 🙄 哈哈哈!!! 😂😂😂

每个妈妈都疼爱自己的孩子。没有妈妈会看着孩子吃苦不心疼 (除了我妈妈另类,哈!😆)。妈妈们都说: 以后你嫁的男人一定要带给你更多幸福,如果你跟着他还要吃苦,那又何必呢?!读者们,这句话在妈妈教育女儿很普遍吧?一边要我独立,另一边要我找条件好的男人。。。难怪世界会乱!哈哈哈!!!😂😂😂

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找现代的白马王子还有使用的一面。如果我男朋友有车,我就不用凌晨起身和半个新加坡一起挤公车。会有私人司机接我上下班,放工后,男朋友还可以载我去逛街。我只要舒舒服服的坐着就🆗。如果男生已经做工好几年,一定有自己的行用卡,还有一点储蓄,我们不用为了省钱每餐到食阁吃经济饭。况且,如果男生有一点储蓄,我们不用拍拖太久,可以马上谈论结婚,我们很快就可以有自己的家了!好耶!读者们,你们看,我举的例子是不是现代的遇险女孩?差不多,对吧!!!I am surprise 我很惊讶

我曾经认识一个在我国居住了三十多年的中国妈妈,她是来这里做按摩治疗师的。工作不容易,很消耗力气。虽然她先生任然留在国内,她坚持把女儿接过来,报考我们的大学。她劝女儿在大学里,只要和富裕家庭的孩子结交朋友就好了。为什么?难道是怕女儿有了我国的大学文凭找不到好工作养家? 当然不是! 其实,我这个按摩治疗师不是看不起我们,她是有一个很实际的理由。她说:“每个人都要挣扎的,不管你是有钱人,还是没有钱的人。唯一不同的是,反正要挣扎,为什么不要在高层挣扎?” 如果她女儿嫁给平凡人,她女儿是要从低层挣扎到高层,然后从高层继续挣扎到顶层。有钱人虽然可以自己开公司,不过做老板的还是要挣扎的:期限, 员工, 法规,供应商等。 面对的工作问题跟别人一摸一样! 听她这么一说, 我心想💬: 哇!她说得很对!👍 为什么小时候,我妈妈没有这样解释给我听?!

当然这只是理论上, 实际上我们是人。人是有感情的, 有感觉的, 有思想的。 再加上生活是不可预测的,不是我想碰到有钱人就可以碰上, 也不是我想嫁个有钱人, 有钱人就要娶我。嫁给有钱人,并不是快快乐乐,相亲相爱,白头偕老。只要是夫妻, 不管有钱没钱,面对的问题是一样的, 比如说:孩子的教育问题, 先生为了应酬迟归家,保持一个幸福家庭的外表等。还有, 有钱人家里也有婆媳问题的呀! 👵🗣💥👩

所以说, 你如果要白马王子救你,你愿意付出多少心、 血、 泪把白马王子留在你身旁?你一定要想一想。 我觉得不管是‘灰姑娘’或是‘遇险女子’,肯付出多少, 追究是看女子的性格,还有,这种生活是不是摩登女子想过的人生。不过, 无可否认,我是百分百遇险女子。男人, 来救我吧! 👩➡👰➡👸👏👏👏

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