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Choosing Your Diary 如何选择日记本子

This is my chosen diary format, where you can see your whole week in a glance. To me, this works best because I feel that the minimum I should be able to do is to plan my life well on a weekly basis.


I know people recommend a monthly planner in addition to your daily planner, but I feel it is a duplication of work. Too much work for me who has to look after 2 households. Plus it is harder to control your life well if you are looking at a monthly period (that’s 4 weeks, 28 days!!!).


This is the diary that I used this year. It was a mistake buy but I was too lazy to go exchange this daily diary for a weekly one. It gave me plenty of space to scribble my activities for the day, but the many pages meant that it was heavy and thick to carry around. And I hated that I was not able to look at my next week activities at a glance. So I’m not going to use this type again next year.
