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Cheese And Mushroom Wrap 起司蘑菇热包

Want a quick bite? Here’s a recipe I adapted watching Donna Hay on tv. I love Australia, they remind me of the good old relaxed times! The ingredients are:

  1. Instant wraps (any flavor). You can buy these from supermarkets. If they are on sale, I normally buy a few packets to keep in the freezer.
  2. Fresh brown or white button mushrooms, also available from most supermarkets. You can’t store these, so buy what you need. 1 mushroom head for each person per meal. I don’t like the taste of  canned mushrooms from China, but you can use those if you can’t find fresh button mushrooms.
  3. Instant 3 cheese. I buy this Pizza Plus, but you can buy Mozzarella or cheese slices. Again, buy a couple of packets to store in the refrigerator but check their expiry date.

肚子饿了?试试看这又快又好吃的起司蘑菇热包。我在澳洲时看到当地著名的厨师Donna Hay在电视上示范,不过应为我们本地不能容易买到她需要的材料,我改良成比较适合的食谱。材料包括:

(一)类似印度煎饼的包,通常可以在超市卖面包部分买到。如果找不到就问服务员“Mission Wraps”在哪里?有很多口味,你挑你喜欢的




For this recipe, you need a very small flame throughout.


Use a non-stick pan. No need to oil the pan. Heat both sides of the wrap (just swivel and move the wrap around the pan for even heating). Don’t char it!


Lay the sliced mushrooms and a handful of cheese on the right side of the wrap. Don’t pour too much ingredients or the wrap will be hard to control.


Add some parsley or basil.


Fold the wrap in half, and leave the cheese to melt. Use your ‘agar-ration’ (estimation) to determine where the small flame is, under your pan. Flip the wrap once after 30 seconds.


Wait another 30 seconds and it’s ready! Quick, easy and tasty!
