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Birth Element Chart 五行缺什么

In Feng Shui, what is ‘5 elements’? If you Google “5 elements”, the search results show you that the 5 elements are: Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and it also shows you their productive and destructive relationships to one another. Wow, I did not know this, but 5 elements is not just limited to Feng Shui. Ayurveda also talks about the 5 elements! If you are a Feng Shui beginner, I suggest you read a little of five elements theory, and I also recommend you play around with the birth elements calculator________. Google and take your pick from the many calculators online! By the way, regarding the birth elements calculator, it really is ‘birth’ elements calculator. Just key in your birth day and your birth time as stated in your birth certificate! Don’t confuse yourself thinking: “Should I key in the solar calendar date or the lunar calendar date? Should I factor in the geographical difference in Northern hemisphere versus Southern hemisphere, and therefore do I have to factor in the time zone difference?” The answer is no. When using the elements calculator, the date you should key in is the date and time that is printed on your birth certificate! 👌
在风水,什么是’五行’?如果你谷歌“风水五行”,搜索结果会显示五行有五种元素行: 水、 木、 火、 土、 金。 许多网站也会解释五行彼此之间的生产性和破坏性的关系。哇! 刚刚仔细的阅读搜索结果, 原来五行不仅限于风水。阿育吠陀也谈到五行的元素行! 如果你是风水初学者,我建议你阅读一些关于五行的理论,并且我也建议你试一试你喜欢的作者网站提供的‘生辰八字五行查询计算器’。关于这‘生辰八字五行查询计算器’,你输入的确实是’出生’资料: 看看报生纸, 你出生时, 医生写下的日期和出生时间。 你千万别像我, 花了很多时间混淆自己, 想着: “我应该输入阳历日期还是阴历日期?我应该考虑自己住在北半球与南半球的地理差异吗? 我必须考虑时区差异吗?” 答案是不! 😅 使用‘生辰八字五行查询计算器’时,你应该输入的日期是在出生证明书打印的日期和时间! 就那么简单!👌

In life, we always have 3 choices:

  1. You can do something, or
  2. You can do nothing, or
  3. You can accept it and move on! 😎

With regards to this birth element chart, what I can tell you is that it is ideal to have all 5 elements in your birth chart. This means:

Hour Day  Month Year
Water Wood Fire
Metal Earth

Count the Elements
Water = 1
Wood = 1
Fire = 1
Earth = 1
Metal = 1

See? There is one of every element, so that’s good. When you go and see an Expert to analyse your birth chart, what he or she is doing is trying to give you a better set of elements. For example, if your birth element chart has too much fire, the Expert may try to ‘reduce’ the Fire element.

Hour Day Month Year
Water Wood Fire Fire
Fire Fire Fire Metal

Count the Elements
Water = 1
Wood = 1
Fire = 5
Earth = 0
Metal = 1

See? The above birth chart has too many ‘Fire’ elements and missing Earth. So the Expert may recommend that the baby be given a name that has an Earth element inside. Of course, this is a very simplistic way of explaining. There is alot of work for the Expert, for instance: he or she has to calculate the hidden elements, and analyse how each element interacts with the others.

Do you want to make Feng Shui work? I’ll tell you what you can do now:

  1. You can go find an Expert now, and ask his or her help to analyse your birth chart. Then you can go do a deed poll, and change your name, and notify Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), banks, insurance companies, schools, doctors, hospitals etc etc, or
  2. You can do nothing and mope around, wondering if your birth chart is the reason why your luck is not good, or
  3. You can be like me. Thank you, Parents, for my name. I will make do for now (I may go for that deed poll later on in life), but for now, I will just live my life well! 💪

I do not know ba-zi in detail. I am making plans to go and learn ba-zi analysis. But have I put my life on hold, whilst I ponder whether my set of elements are right at birth? No! As you continue reading about my remarkable life, you will know that you can also do wonders if you do not know your birth element chart. Let’s move on, shall we? Let’s go!!! 🙌💃


(一) 你可以选择做点什么,或
(二) 你什么都不做,或
(三) 你可以暂时接受现在的情况, 继续前进!😎

关于这个生辰八字五行图表,我可以告诉你的是: 如果你的生辰八字包含所有五行是最理想的。看看这例子:

水= 一次
木= 一次
火= 一次
土= 一次
金= 一次

以上的生辰八字五行图表, 五行不缺, 好! 专家帮忙你分析生辰八字五行图表时,他(她)其实是在提供你一个比较均衡的五行。例如, 如果你的生辰八字五行图表有太多“火”的元素行,专家可能会尝试‘减少’这过“火”的元素行。

水= 一次
木= 一次
火= 五次
土= 零
金= 一次

以上的生辰八字五行图表有太多“火”的元素行, 也少了“土”的元素行。所以专家可能建议给宝宝取一个有“土”元素行的名字。当然,这是一种非常简单的解释方式。专家有很多分析工作要做: 例如,他(她)必须计算是否有隐藏的元素行,宝宝的生辰八字五行图表里, 每个元素行生产或破坏的关系。


(一)你可以马上找专家分析你的生辰八字五行图表。然后, 你可以去律师事务所更改你的名字,并通知外交部、 银行、 保险公司、 学校、 医生、 医院等, 或

(二) 你可以猜想怀疑自己生辰八字是不是不好, 所以你怪出生运气不好。 你开始感到沮丧, 什么都不要做, 或

(三) 你可以像我一样! 感谢父母为我取的名字! 我有打算报名‘八字课程’, 自己研究我的生辰八字五行图表。 我学好后可能会更改自己的名字,但, 我现在真的抽不出时间做这个! 现在我能做的是每天每天努力认证的过我的生活!

亲爱的读者, 请继续阅读我这非凡的普通人生活! 你可以学会如何在不知自己的生辰八字五行的情况下创造奇迹。我们继续前进吧!!!🙌💃