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Avocado Slicer From Japan 日本制造的牛油果切片小工具

As we hit our mid-forties – in the name of healthy eating – I have been buying quite a lot of avocados for my husband and myself. People say that eating avocados make you fat, but heck! Many foods make you fat. My husband loves to eat these (compared to many other fruits), and that is very important to me. See the green color gadget in the photo? I bought it from my market bric brac shop for $12.90 or $22.90 (haha, anyway it was some price that made me think “what! this plastic thingie costs so much??!)


The pointed end of the avocado slicer gadget effortlessly cuts the avocado into halves. I tend to buy the more greenish avocados, and put it at room temperature for it to brown. Once it is evenly brown in color, and soft to the touch (squeeze), I have learnt to eat it immediately. One day makes a lot of difference to the consumption life of the avocado!


See? It’s perfect. No brown or black parts. Just green soft avocado flesh.


I use the pointed edge of my avocado slicer and cut out this brown part where the stem used to be.


Effortlessly, I scrape out the avocado flesh into slices! No mess, that’s what I like about it.
