How To Be A Top Ranking Officer 做高官职位

Both husband and wife are salaried employees. Last year, the wife quit her job because she wanted to spend more time with the children. So the husband becomes the sole breadwinner. Because he is a salaried employee, his monthly salary is very important. So first and foremost, I will definitely recommend that they activate the SE of their living room (indicated by the green star in the drawing). Google this, and you will find many ideas on how to activate SE, e.g. using fountains, plants, flowers, wood etc. This is especially important because the big SE is missing in their flat!

丈夫和妻子都是受薪雇员。去年,妻子辞去了工作,因为她想花更多时间陪伴孩子。丈夫成了唯一养家糊口的人。因为他是一名受薪雇员,他的月薪非常重要。 首先,我建议他们激活客厅的东南(由图中的绿色星号表示)。 用谷歌搜索这个,你会发现很多关于如何激活东南的方法,例如:使用喷泉,植物,花卉,木材等。 在这间单位, 激活客厅的东南非常重要,应为这间组屋单位缺了一个很大的东南角落!

hdb feng shui edited SE green star 1

activate small SE 激活小东南

This corner also happens to be the universal wealth corner (the corner diagonally opposite the main door), so I will also suggest that they never open the window that is in this corner, and that they keep the curtains drawn. The area is to be kept quiet (but not dark) at all times. The use of a water fountain or water feature in the universal wealth corner is not suitable, even though the SE corner benefits from having water features. Read _____ on the rules of activating the universal wealth corner.

这个角落也是‘普遍财富角落’的位子 (正门对角的角落)。 我会建议他们永远不要打开这个角落的窗户, 并把窗帘布拉上。 该区域应无时无刻保持安静(有光,不要黑暗)。在‘普遍财富角落’的位子使用喷泉或水景是不合适的。 所以, 即使这是东南部, 而东南部受益有水, 但夫妇俩一定要考虑全部才选择他们要的激活风水的方法。

hdb feng shui main window SE big plant inside 20180421 censored edited

hdb feng shui main window SE big plant inside 20180421 censored edited

The next issue to tackle is the afflicted North. Generally speaking, a salaried worker is only able to command a higher pay check if he climbs up the corporate ladder. True? In this unit, the entire kitchen and the adjoining toilet is in the N of the house. That’s not good. Why? Because the N toilet flushes your career luck away, and the N kitchen (if you use it) represents fire, and it clashes with the water element of the N. Google “how to cure Feng Shui afflicted North toilet”, and the general consensus is to place a plant inside the toilet to absorb the bad water of the N toilet. Great! This can be done easily. Of course, I want to stress again, as I did in ____ and in ____, don’t go and buy a massive gigantic plant! 😱

Small bath with small plant edited

Small bath with small plant edited

下一步是要解决有问题的北方。 一般来说, 受薪雇员只有在爬上公司阶梯时才能获得更高的薪酬支票。我说得对吧? 在这间组屋单位, 北部是厨房和厨房旁边的卫生间。 这不好。 为什么? 因为位于北的厕所冲走了所有职业好运。 北部的厨房(尤其是时常在家里有煮的家庭)代表火, 火元素与北边的水元素冲突! 谷歌“如何治愈风有问题的北厕所”,普遍的共识是在厕所内放置植物, 以吸收北部厕所里的‘问题水’。太好了! 这很容易! 正如我在____和____多次强调, 不要去买一个巨大的植物!

Small bath room with big plant edited

Small bath room with big plant edited

I also look at directional Feng Shui based on the Father’s kua number. This method of Feng Shui is the most easy to use: just Google “kua number calculator”, and choose from any of the fantastic calculators available online!

接下来的风水方法是最容易使用的:只需谷歌“风水卦计算器”, 你就会有很选择!这是父亲的风水卦好方向和坏方向:

FATHER 父亲 Rooster 鸡 🐔 Best 成功: N 北
Health 健康: S 南
Love 爱情: E 东
Self 自己: SE 东南
Simple bad luck 坏运气: NW 西北
Bad 倒霉: SW 西南, W 南
Worst luck 最糟糕: NE 东北
Mother 母亲 Rat 老鼠 🐀 Best 成功: SW
Health 健康: NW
Love 爱情: W
Self 自己: NE
Simple bad luck 坏运气: S 南
Bad 倒霉: N 北, E 东
Worst luck 最糟糕: SE 东南


The kitchen in the N is a problem not only because it is a clash of fire and water elements, but more importantly, under directional Feng Shui, the solebreadwinner’s BEST direction is in the N. Unfortunately, there is a kitchen suppressing his good sector. 😱 You can Google more on this, if you are interested to know more. So now how? Don’t use the kitchen, or shift the kitchen location lah! 🙃 LOL! I’m not serious, of course! We have to be practical, right? As I said in ____, we do what we can do, and we accept what we cannot, and we move on until we can do something about it! The couple can make plans to move house, or renovate the kitchen, but for now, life has to go on!

北部的厨房是一个风水问题,不仅因为火元素和水元素的冲突,更重要的是,看看父亲的风水卦好方向和坏方向,他的最佳方向是在北部。不幸的是,有一个厨房压制他的最佳方向。读者们,如果你们有兴趣了解更多关于这的风水理论, 你们可以谷歌多了解。 那现屋主怎么办? 别使用厨房啦! 😂😂😂 哈哈!别当真! 我在____所说,我们做我们能做的事情,不能做的就暂时接受, 继续前进,直到我们可以做些什么的时候再回返!我们做人一定要务实,对吧? 这对夫妇可以考虑以后买另一间房子,也可以考虑翻新厨房的计划。 现在,生活必须继续!

HDB Feng Shui Mid Floor Unit Life Goes On edited

HDB Feng Shui Mid Floor Unit Life Goes On edited

So if the N sector of the home is afflicted, then there are other options open to the sole breadwinner to maximise his luck:

(1) Even if the sector is afflcited, he can face the N direction (you see the difference?) when he is eating or sleeping, or when he is sitting down. As a matter of fact, I insist that he does this! _____, and

(2) he must also tap onto the other good directions of his kua number, and

(3) he must energise the N (indicated by the blue star in the drawing) of his living room. Google search results suggest white/black/blue color, water feature, metallic objects, fish tanks etc.

Man Facing North edited

Man Facing North edited

如果这间组屋单位的北部受到影响, 那么父亲还有其他可以帮他达到最大化的风水运气吗? 当然有!看看:

(一) 即使北部受到影响,他在家吃饭、 睡觉、 坐着时, 一定要面向北方 (你知道区别在哪里吗?)。我坚持他一定要这样做! 和


(三)他必须使用客厅来激活北部 (图中的蓝星表示)。谷歌搜索结果显示要激活北部可以用白色/黑色/蓝色,水景,金属物体,鱼缸等。

I will also recommend that they activate the South of their house, because it is only when the efforts of Dad hard at work are being recognised by his superiors, that he will be able to get the promotion and a pay increment. Google search results suggest red colors, bright lights, horses etc.  The S of this house are the 2 kid’s bedrooms, so it’s not very appropriate to use any of the suggested cures there. So again, I suggest activating the S of the living room, as indicated by the red star in the following picture.

我还要建议他们激活他们家的南部, 因为只有爸爸努力工作被他的上级认可时,爸爸才能获得晋升和加薪。 这就是受薪雇员的心声! 谷歌搜索结果显示红色,明亮的灯光,马匹等, 都能激活南方。 但,这间组屋单位的南方是两个孩子的卧室, 不适合使用任何以上的建议。所以,我还是同样一句话: 激活客厅的南部! 看以下图中红星所示:


You will notice that I recommended most of the Feng Shui activation to be carried out in the living room. Why? The rest of the rooms in this flat’s parameters are occupied by bedrooms and the kitchen. There is thus no other suitable room, except for this living room. Furthermore, remember in _____ we analyzed that the flying star in this part of the house is a very favourable combination. So the residents of this flat, take heed, and fully activate your living room!

读者们,你有没有注意到我的风水激活建议大部分是在这家的客厅进行? 为什么呢? 这间公寓的外部边缘其他房间都是卧室、 厨房、 厕所。 除了这个客厅外, 没有其他合适的房间。 况且, 你记得————————我们研究了,这间公寓单位的悬空飞星图, 客厅是享有好很有利的飞星组合。 所以,这间组屋单位的居民, 注意咯! 一定要充分激活你们的客厅!