Dwindling Fortunes 财富渐渐减少

Too Much Clutter 家里堆满杂物

Over the years, the elderly couple, like many of us, have been too overwhelmed with life, and so they have not paid attention to the state of their home. As a result, there is too much clutter in all of the rooms.

多年来,这对老年夫妇和我们很多人一样,过着忙忙碌碌的生活。 因此, 他们没有心思或多余的注意力打理自己的家的状况。 结果是房子变得非常杂乱, 堆满东西。

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too much clutter 太多杂物

The Feng Shui of this apartment will improve hugely if the elderly couple makes an effort to throw away unwanted stuff. Of course, this is a big job, so I recommend that they try to clear out the junk from 3 areas first. The first area is, of course, the main facing direction of the home, which is the balcony located in the North. Why? This is the main foyer of the home, and all good chi gathers here first.

如果老年夫妇采取行动开始扔掉不需要的杂物,这间公寓单位的风水肯定获得大改善。当然,这是一项很大的工程,所以我建议他们先尝试从三个‘区域’清除杂物。 那么, 我建议收拾哪三区呢? 第一个区域是住宅的主要风水朝向, 位于北部的阳台。为什么?这是家里的主要‘风水大门厅’,所有的好气首先在这里聚集。

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apartment block faces N 公寓朝北

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facing direction is N 风水朝向是北

Right now, this North balcony is in bad shape with too much junk blocking the glass sliding doors, making the balcony completely inaccessible to the residents (and to the energy of the home).

可惜, 这个北阳台的杂物情况很糟糕,玻璃滑行门被太多杂物挡住了,使得屋主(和房子的气)完全无法进出入阳台。

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front foyer (north balcony) clutter 前门厅(北阳台)杂乱

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bright hall effect (north balcony after decluttering) 好大厅风水(整理后的北阳台)


The second area that needs tidying up is the smaller foyer in the East, where the entrance door is located. Ideally, no shoes should be left lying around on the floor, i.e. , the couple should buy a covered cupboard to store their shoes. As this foyer is located in the East of the apartment, it will benefit from a fresh coat of green color or blue color paint.

第二个需要整理的区域是东部较小的楼梯门厅。 这也是公寓单位的大门入口处。 在理想的情况下,所有风水门厅, 无论是主要门厅或额外门厅, 无论大小, 都不应该摆放鞋子。 但实际上, 这很难做到, 对吧?! 老年夫妇可以购买一个有门的鞋橱柜来存放他们的鞋子。 这个小门厅位于东部,如果能油上一层绿色或蓝色的油漆, 哇! 小门厅焕然一新, 这将会带给这间公寓单位很好的受益。

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clutter in the east smaller foyer 东边的阶梯厅会杂物

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a nice and bright east foyer 好的东边大厅风水


The third area that will benefit from a clean-up is the universal wealth corner, which is the corner that is diagonally opposite the entrance door of the home. I have marked with a red color X in the floor plan. You can read ____ on some rules of what can be put in a universal wealth corner, but my preference is a small open-mouthed Feng Shui wealth pot. I love wealth pots, big or small! 😍💰

我的第三个建议是清理‘普遍财富角落’的位子。 这个位置常被公认是在家的大门的对角角落。 我在平面图中标有红色的‘X’。 你可以阅读关于‘普遍财富角落’位子的规则——————————,但我的偏好是一个小型‘开口’的风水聚宝盆。我超爱聚宝盆呀! 😍💰


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universal wealth corner 普遍财富角落


Holes And Cracks On The Walls 墙壁洞和裂缝

In addition to decluttering, I also recommend that the holes and cracks on the ceilings and walls of the house be patched properly. You know, once these holes and cracks are patched up, the elderly couple will find that their expenses will not be so high, and who knows, they might even win some money! Bosses of renovation companies tell me that oftentimes when a customer patches up all these holes and cracks in their house, the customer will start winning a little bit of lottery here and there! 💵 👏👏👏 Of course this is not a guarantee, but in any case, you will end up with a pretty house with pretty walls! 🏠

除了整理杂物之外,我还建议老年夫妇找人把家里墙壁洞和裂缝修补。如果把这些裂缝修补好,老年夫妇会开始发觉他们的开销没有这么大, 这么多! 谁知道, 他们还可能赢得一些钱!我常听装修商老板们反馈他们修补了客户家中墙壁的所有洞和裂缝后, 客户就会开始赢一些小彩票! 🎰💶 当然, 没有人可以保证你一定会赢彩票, 不过, 到最后你会有一间漂亮的‘新’屋! 🏠 棒极了! 👍

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cracks in the ceilings and walls 天花板和墙壁的裂缝

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no more cracks 补好的裂缝